The number one secret to getting results in the gym...

It’s no secret that the world we live in is ever changing and with the advancement in technology we now have access to more information than we can dream of. We also have everything we could imagine at the click of a button, you want something on amazon and it’ll be there the next day, need to find an answer and a quick google search brings you many options. Unfortunately with these advancements it has left a lot of people confused about what is true and what isn’t. What should i be eating and how often, how many workouts per week should I do, and should i strength train or do more cardio. Below I’m gonna dive into a few areas I think are key to success in the gym before I get to my number one secret for getting results, buckle up!

First of all when it comes to getting results in the gym we must understand that what we do outside of the gym is just as much if not more important. While most would think that nutrition is the biggest area of focus, getting good quality sleep would be the first place to start. A good nights sleep helps our body to repair and recharge in turn allowing it to function optimally. With the advancement in technology our brains are constantly being stimulated and if we are taking our devices to bed there’s no doubt its disrupting our sleep. A couple tips would be to get an old school battery alarm clock, keep a good book beside to bed to indulge in every night, and shoot for going to bed and awaking around the same time. In the next paragraph I’ll talk about Nutrition and how this can tie back to sleep.

As mentioned above sleep is super important and a great place to start but Nutrition is right up there as well. It ties back into sleep because if we are lacking sleep our bodies will often search for more calories as a fuel source. Did you also know that we burn calories will we are sleeping? This means a good nights rest allows for less time to be eating and more caloric burn overall which is a win/win. When it comes to the area of nutrition I think the main focus for individuals whether you are looking to lose weight or gain muscle should be protein intake. Protein is the building block of the body and helps to repair/grow muscle as well as keeping us feeling fuller longer. Another thing to keep in mind is shopping the perimeter of the grocery store and making your meals from as many fresh ingredients as possible. If it comes from a box, can, or frozen section theres a pretty good chance it contains some bad stuff. Avoid products with added sugar such as sodas, sweets, etc. and keep fast food to a minimum. If you implement all of these things suggested there’s no doubt you’ll see results, hope you’re ready for the next chapter cause here comes the number one secret!

Alright if you’ve made it this far good job on focus, so here it is the number one secret to getting results in the gym, Consistency! I’ve been training for over 10 years now and have helped many people but the difference that I have seen between those who succeed and maintain vs not is Consistency. Consistency not only inside the gym but outside the gym as well is one of the main reasons we recommend clients only see us 2-3 times per week because it is more attainable and clients have more long term success with sticking to a program. If we can maintain getting our workouts in and implementing some of the basic strategies mentioned above with sleep and nutrition over time it can be life changing. The thing to think about though is that in an instant gratification world this takes time, just keep your head down, work hard, and most of all stay Consistent!

Need help with consistency? Contact us! We’re a private personal training studio in Denver.


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