I started Cold Plunging again...

It’s no secret now if you follow trends in the fitness world that cold plunging is making a push and people are starting to make at home plunges so they can do it regularly. It has many benefits such as boost metabolism, mood, and immune system, increase energy, give you better sleep, etc. A quick google search will list them all for you and tell you more about the protocols. Prior to Covid I used to do it a few times a week at Denver Sports Recovery so I was already aware of the many benefits you can gain from it. Recently I went to Big R and bought a horse trough to start plunging again on my own at home and I’m finding it easier to be consistent. Below I just wanted to share some of the benefits and lessons I’ve learned in a few weeks of getting back to it regularly.

Physical Benefits

First of all one of the most noticeable differences I had was my increase in sleep quality. My dreams became a lot more vivid and I would sleep through the night waking up feeling refreshed. I’ve been into a good routine with my sleep already but the cold plunge seem to really put the icing on the cake when it comes to optimal sleep. Next my energy levels and ability to focus increased because I think when we shut our mind off even for that short period of time that we are in the plunge, it’s almost like a reset for the brain. We are so distracted in life with our many devices that when you are in the plunge you are so focused on your breath work that whatever was bothering you fades away fast. My workouts have gotten better because of all of these physical benefits and I’ve noticed my soreness seems to be almost none existent. These are all physical things I have noticed since plunging but for me it has also taught many life lessons.

Life Lessons

It’s taught me that we can put our mind to and overcome anything with a little grit and determination. The first few days starting plunging were horrible and if you only knew how many internal conversations I had with myself about if I was gonna do it and for how long. Going on week 3 now I know it probably sounds crazy but I’m looking forward to it each time and the internal conversations I have went from SOB to Hell Yeah let’s do it! It has me thinking about how similar it must be to starting a new exercise program, it’s scary cause we know its going to require change and again grit to grind through the first couple weeks. I’m telling you though if you can make the leap and get into a routine your quality of life will improve dramatically.

Cold Plunge for a Better Mindset

I’ve been on many sides of the coin where I’ve struggled with addiction, been obese, been depressed, and many other negative things that were impacting my life. The key I’ve found is consistency and balance in your life makes a world of difference. Being consistent with our movement, mindfulness, nutrition, sleep, and recovery are the keys to being happy and healthy. It’s also about having the balance to understand that from time to time there will be a party, we will have a bad day, but that’s ok because when we have the mindset we know that tomorrow we will find our way back to our routine.

Looking for some guidance on training? See our blog or visit our personal training studio located in Denver’s RiNo district.


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