Don’t Underestimate the Power of Sleep…

We all know that feeling, waking up feeling rested and ready from a good nights sleep. We have a clear head, feel energized, and our body runs optimally for us all day long. When it comes to sleep it really is the golden ticket to a healthy and happier life and in this technology packed world its become harder and harder to get by. In the next few paragraphs we talk about sleep and why its important as well as give you some tips for better sleep, let’s get it!

First of all sleep does many things for our body in the sense of recovery and regulating many functions of our body. A good night of quality sleep helps regulate our blood sugar, helps to lower our blood pressure, decreases our appetite, improves cognitive function, and boosts our immune system just to name a few. Many of these things are crucial for us to function properly so as you can see getting regular quality sleep is really important.

To be honest as I’ve gotten older its been easier to get into more of a routine with sleep because the social life has slowed down. When reflecting back I think one of the biggest mistakes people make is they don’t make their weekends mimic their weekdays. Our eating habits change, we tend to stay up later and sleep in longer, and consume adult beverages all of which throw us off. Occasionally if you’re into a show or have a party its not the end of the world but the thing to think of is its just like working out where consistency is king.

Here’s a list of a few tips I’ve found over the years that have helped me get better sleep:

  1. Don’t take your phone to bed, set up a charging station in another room

  2. Don’t have any electronics around bed, keep the TV out of the room and iPad as well

  3. Aim for going to bed at the same time each night and getting up at the same time each day

  4. Read a little each night before bed to help you relax and drift off

  5. Don’t let animals sleep in the bed
    (unfortunately we’ve already made that mistake haha)

  6. Keep out as much light and minimize as much sound as possible

  7. Lately I’ve been using hostage mouth tape which makes you breath out you nose and I’ve found my sleep to be better since using

Need help with consistency with fitness and recover? Contact us! We’re a private personal training studio in Denver.


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